Arnprior Public Library Board FAQ
In light of current discussion regarding the Library's Service Contract with the Township of McNab/Braeside, the Board has collected the following information / timeline. If you have further questions, please contact : [email protected] |
- The library's mandate is to serve residents of the Town of Arnprior, Township of McNab/Braeside and the Township of Lanark Highlands. Both townships have a service agreement with the Library Board. The Town of Arnprior owns and maintains the building.
- The current Service Agreement with McNab/Braeside was signed in 2015.
- Over the span of the first 5 year term, the township phased-in and reached 100% of its agreed to funding amount or about $129,000 for 2020. The Township receives $11,484 as its provincial grant for library services, the remainder is funded through the tax base. (Note: during budget deliberations for 2020, the Town and the Township endorsed an increase in funding for staff, however the pandemic precluded the creation of this new position and the library removed the additional staffing cost in its revised budget. This budget and supporting documents were provided to the Town and the Township in September 2020: Explanatory notes; COVID update)
- The Library is funded through the municipal tax base with additional support from the province and self generated revenues. Self generated revenues (averaging $60,000 annually) include: fines, post secondary proctoring, meeting room rentals, photocopying, donations, book sales and special programming such as concerts, movie nights, open mics, galas and other events. The Arnprior Public Library relies on self-generated funds more than any other library of its size in the province.
- In November 2020, the Township advised the library of a $30,000 reduction in its 2020 grant allocation.
- A meeting with representatives from the Town, Township and Library Board was held November 24, 2020 to discuss the reduction.
- The Library Board reviewed financial adjustments to reduce the deficit impact for 2020.
- The Township of McNab/Braeside provided a draft amendment to the service agreement.
- The Board reviewed the amendment and responded with a resolution and corresponding data, thereby initiating the dispute clause in the Service Agreement.
Library Services Calculator
What is your library service worth to you?
Find out how much you would pay out-of-pocket for your library services.
- Enter in the left hand column the number of times per month you or your family use each service.
- Estimated retail value of each service (if purchased) will be calculated on the right.
- Total value of your library use is shown at the bottom of the worksheet.
This calculator, initially created by the Massachusetts Library Association, has been updated with resources and services offered by the Arnprior Public Library.